A Liebster Award

Friday, February 14, 2014

the beautiful Camilla from Happy Hancocks nominated me for the 
Liebster Award: liebster is German for cute, lovely, dearest, etc. 
It is just something fun
 & cute to do & a way to connect with others!

pretty much I am to answer a set of certain questions 
& in return nominate 11 other bloggers 
& have them answer 11 questions.

1. What is your favorite thing to blog about?

I just started “blogging” but so far I love to blog about the moments I want to remember. I love to go back & reminisce on the good days & I figured this would be a fun way to do that. I also want to get more into blogging about the kind of fashion & style I am into. Not because I think I know everything, or I have the best style, or because it’s trendy: I actually kind of hate following the trend, which makes me hesitant about the whole thing. But anyways, if we’re being honest here since I have graduated college & my husband & I move around a ton for his work, I have way too much time on my hands. I figured this could be something that I could keep myself busy with & its something that I enjoy. Fashion is what I am passionate about & it’s my kind of ‘art’.

end of rant.

2. What is something this year that you are really looking forward to?

I look forward to completing a year of marriage. Beau & I have some good plans in mind & I can’t wait to have those plans become a reality. I’m excited to try out Texas & I can’t wait to see what we accomplish this year!

3. What's your most embarrassing moment?

This is one of those questions where I can never think of a really good “embarrassing moment story” to tell. But then usually a couple days later I think of the best one or the best one happens.

oh wait! This one is pretty good. I was in Nordstrom with my mom trying on wedding shoes. [ keep in mind I was wearing a dress at the time ] For some reason I thought I could balance on one heel while I put the other one on. Well to my horror my ankle gave out & I completely fell to the floor. Legs up & everything. 

the end.

4. Photo's say a thousand words so share a photo that means the most to you. Why is that picture important to you?

The day this photo was taken is when everything changed. I saw him in a whole new way & I had no idea what the future had in store for us, it was so exciting!

Ok I have 2 favorites. This one is for the other most important man in my life, my daddy. He looks like a tough guy on the outside but on the inside he’s a big softy. [ sorry dad your secret is out J ] As happy as my wedding day was, it was still hard for me to know I had to leave my dad & he had to let go of his baby girl.

4. What is a dream of yours that you would love to do?

I want to travel. I want to explore Europe & visit the world’s original fashion capital. & I want to experience different cultures from my own eyes.

5. What's been the best moment of your life so far?

As cliché as this sounds I would have to say my wedding day. Nothing can describe the excitement & happiness you feel on that day. It didn’t matter that the linens weren’t ironed or the dj had no idea what he was doing or the caterers brought the wrong glasses. [ that one still irritates me thinking back to it ] I was too much on cloud 9 to be bothered by anything.

[ If you missed it before here’s a clip of our wedding day!  4.5.13  ]

6. Where has been your favorite place to travel?

I think the Cayman Islands is such a surreal place. The beaches are everything you imagine the Caribbean to be like.

7. What is your favorite blog?

I don’t really have just one that I favor but there are a few that I love to keep updated on.

8. What is your favorite way to work out?

In a gym, with some good music, a set workout plan, & people around to motivate me to want to push harder.

9. Who is the person that makes you the happiest?

My husband. All he has to do is give me that look, the one where you know he’s falling in love all over again & there’s no other happiness like that.

10. What's the best advice you've ever been given?

If you never try, the answer is always no.
[ thanks to my mother J ]

Your results are what matter more than your intentions. People judge you for who you are based off of your actions & results rather than your intentions & ideas.

[ this wasn’t necessarily given to me but i still love it. we are so quick to compare ourselves to others based off of their results & our intentions; giving ourselves the benefit of the doubt. it’s a nasty habit. ]

11. What is your favorite blog post you've written?

I don’t have many to choose from but my favorite so far is 3 Words.
It’s our story & I kind of love our story. [ call me bias ] when you hear couples say how they married their best friend or they’re so lucky they get to marry their best friend, I personally feel like we took that meaning to a whole other level. It took years of a solid, raw friendship for him to even get to first base ;)

so here are my nominees!

& here are the questions.

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What is something this year that you are really looking forward to?
3. Name one of your biggest pet peeves & why?
4. Photo's say a thousand words so share a photo that means the most to you. Why is that picture important to you?
4. What quote inspires you the most?
5. Name a beauty product you can’t live without & why?
6. Currently, what is your favorite song?
7. What is your favorite blog?
8. What is your favorite way to work out?
9. Where do you like to shop?
10. What's the best advice you've ever been given?
11. What is your favorite blog post you've written?

i’m excited to see the answers!

xo, J


  1. love it! super love the picture one too + the story behind it:)

  2. Hate to say it Jacque, but I won't ever completely let go ... you are my baby girl ... still ...

    Love, Dad (tough guy)


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