Day Date

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Mr. & I finally had the chance to cash in on a long over-due date. When he & I get the chance to go out [ especially during the day ] it’s kind of a big deal. So naturally I want to document every aspect of the occasion.

New Bern is such a dreamy little town. It has a rich historic look & a beautiful waterfront. We seriously could not have picked a better day to visit!
Lunch with the Barnes on the deck at Persimmons was delicious & picture-perfect.
the music – the food – the ambiance – the weather – the scenery – the company
All of it literally could not have been any better.

 [ the company ]
[ excuse them they’re newlyweds ;) ]
we obviously were struggling to take a normal picture together.

After lunch & snapping a few photos we headed over to the hotel next 
door to grab cookies & scope out the boats that were docked.
Everything was going so well… up until B took this photo he decided to push me in…

jk. he would never do that.
As the sun was setting we returned to Jacksonville & ended the night with some cuddling & espn.

xo, J


  1. you two are sooo cute! love your outfit, by the way! that top is killer!

  2. Looks like such a lovely place for a date! I love the zipper detailing on the back of your shirt, too! It's gorgeous!

  3. You are so cute, and tiny! I adore your perfect blonde hair, and you guys make a great couple! Hope you blog again soon! ;)

    God bless,
    XO, Claire


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